7 Makeup Tips and Techniques I Learned From Nerding Out to This ’90s Makeup Tutorial By Sam of Pixiwoo

7 Makeup Tips and Techniques I Learned From Nerding Out to This ’90s Makeup Tutorial By Sam of Pixiwoo

7 Makeup Tips and Techniques I Learned From Nerding Out to This ’90s Makeup Tutorial By Sam of Pixiwoo

Nerd alert!

(Of course I mean that in the best possible way because makeup nerds ROCK.)

I nerded out big time to this ’90s makeup how-to video by Sam of Pixiwoo, and after watching it, all I wanted to do was grab my brushes (they’re clean, hallelujah!), sit down with a pile o’ makeup and a mirror, blast some Prince, and just play for hours.

Sam shows step-by-step how to do a classic, full-on ’90s matte eye similar to what Janet Jackson and Whitney Houston (two of my favorite ’90s divas) wore back in the day. Then she pairs it with a ’90s-style Pamela Anderson lip (complete with the overdrawn, un-blended lip liner…BUT DAMN IT LOOKS HELLA GOOD!).

Sam updates the look though, so it’s not straight outta the ’90s, and she does this by pairing the dramatic eyes and lips with a sheer, barely-there base. I think the final result is totally wearable but not boring, not too difficult to do, and modern looking. I would totally do this look for a dinner, or drinks with the girls, or to Trader Joe’s to buy some whole wheat bread… HA HA HA!

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