A new ‘Einstein’ equation suggests wormholes hold key to quantum...

A new ‘Einstein’ equation suggests wormholes hold key to quantum...

A new ‘Einstein’ equation suggests wormholes hold key to quantum gravity

Via Science News

Interesting but not new. It was proposed by Leonard Susskind and Juan Maldacena in 2013 (see the paper in arXiv: Cool horizons for entangled black holes, PDF). There are two particularly interesting blog posts in this year on The Reference Frame:

- Maldacena, Susskind: any entanglement is a wormhole of a sort…more precisely, EPR is equivalent to ER
- ER-EPR and distortions in the media

and in Quantum Frontiers:

- Entanglement = Wormholes

But you may prefer to read first these two wiki entries:

- Wormhole (or Einstein–Rosen bridge), the “ER” part of the equation.
- Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen paradox (or quantum entanglement), the “EPR” part of the equation.

and then this other one:

- ER = EPR

Image via Phys.org‘Spooky action’ builds a wormhole between 'entangled’ quantum particles.