Beauty Surprises

Beauty Surprises

Beauty Surprises

As Forrest Gump famously said, life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get, and I feel that that is 100% the way it is in beauty, too — because I’ve been a makeup/hair/nail enthusiast now for, what, a billion years? — and I’m repeatedly utterly shocked by the things that happen.

A (shockingly) hairy situation

I cannot even BEGIN to describe how repeatedly surprised I’ve been by the hair-related changes on my person over the past 10 years. Unexpected hairs have thrown me for a loop many times.

Where to start…

OK, well, for the first time ever, I now have longer nose hairs, and I occasionally have to trim the wayward ones, which I never had to do when I was younger.

Oh, and the wiry texture of the grays I’m growing out on my head? I joke that every single time I see one of those witchy ramen noodle hairs, a naughty kitty enters a cat lady’s life, ha ha!

Also in the category of Surprising Hair Developments, there was the hair loss I experienced shortly after Connor was born.

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