Ditching Under-Eye Concealer: Chapter 1

Ditching Under-Eye Concealer: Chapter 1

Ditching Under-Eye Concealer: Chapter 1

For the next seven days, I will be ditching under-eye concealer, which is craziness, considering the fact that there was a time when I’d literally never leave home without it.

No, seriously, I used to apply under eye-concealer to pick up the mail…right outside the house.

Lately, however? Nuh-uh. It has NOT been doing me any favors, and I don’t know exactly what happened, because I really haven’t changed my skin care routine. Suddenly, though (or so it has seemed to me), everything I put under my eyes looks heavy and thick and textured and like — pardon my French — crêpe. I feel like I’m looking much older than I am.

It appears that I have come to a fork in the road, and I can either completely cover the dark areas under my eyes but look 10 years older, or, I can wear less (or maybe nothing at all?) and look kinda tired…but closer to my age.

I’ve also realized that maybe the darkness I see under my eyes is all (or mostly) in my head, and that, my friend, is kind of blowing my mind right now…

Anyway, still not ready to quit concealing cold turkey, so my plan is to experiment at length with non-concealer-y products, like illuminators, tinted moisturizers, sheer foundations, and basically whatever else I stumble upon that looks like it might work.

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