Do You Like to Chat With the Stylist While You’re Getting Your Hair or Nails Done (or Any Other Beauty Service)?

Do You Like to Chat With the Stylist While You’re Getting Your Hair or Nails Done (or Any Other Beauty Service)?

Do You Like to Chat With the Stylist While You’re Getting Your Hair or Nails Done (or Any Other Beauty Service)?

Totally depends on the stylist and the salon, but in general, yes. I like to chat! When I’m getting my hair done by my friend Alis, we’re chatting and catching up the entire time, but if it’s someone I don’t really know, I’ll usually make a little small talk at the beginning, then sit quietly the rest of the time, because let’s face it — mama needs her meow time, LOL!

Also, it depends on the type of service. If it’s something chill like a manicure or pedicure, I’m less likely to babble, but if it’s something anxiety-inducing, then WATCH OUT! — motor mouth coming through!

Back in the day when I’d get my lady parts waxed, I’d feel so completely anxious and awkward with my nether regions hanging out that I’d end up talking the person’s ear off, and they’d be subjected to a non-stop litany of whatever nonsense was running through my brain. 🤪

How about you? Are you chatty when you’re getting your hair/nails (or whatever else) done, or do you keep quiet?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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