Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend. Let me be the cheeseball/ball of cheese that I am for a second, OK? I’m here to remind you 1) that you are ❤️ loved, 2) you are capable, and 3) you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be in life, even if you don’t feel like you’re quite “there” (wherever that “there” is) yet in your journey. I’m thankful every day that we’ve somehow, through the magic of the interwebz, gotten to know each other.

Like a lot of women, I crave connection. Need it. Thrive on it. Feeling like I’m part of a tribe makes life feel a little less…well, tedious. Like I don’t have to go it all alone.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this line I heard recently in a horror show I watched on Netflix called The Haunting of Hill House (of all things!), where one of the characters talks about preparing children for the dangers of “the real world,” and what she says stuck with me. “It [the real world] has teeth. It is hungry, and it is stupid, and it eats and eats mindlessly.”

Sometimes, I feel like I’m being chewed up and consumed by all of the adulting I have to do all the time — bills, work, the drudgery of everyday things like vacuuming the couch and cleaning the bathroom.

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