Posters of the golden age of Soviet cosmonautsVia BBCFive...

Posters of the golden age of Soviet cosmonautsVia BBCFive...

Iraklii Toidze, In the Name of Peace, 1959

Konstantin Ivanov, The road is open for humans, 1960

The Fairy Tale Became Truth, 1961 (detail)

Boris Berezovsky, Glory to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union! 1962

Boris Berezovsky, Glory of the Space Heroes - Glory of the Soviet People! 1963

Nikolai Charukin, Happy New Year Kids! 1964

Miron Lukianov and Vasily Ostrovsky, Through the Worlds and Centuries, July 1965

Posters of the golden age of Soviet cosmonauts


Five decades ago the Space Race was being vigorously fought between the Soviet Union and the US. For a time the USSR seemed to be winning and it tried to make the most of the propaganda potential. Here we take a close-up look at seven posters from a new exhibition - Cosmonauts: Birth of the Space Age - at the Science Museum in London