Things I’ve Done Because of Acne

Things I’ve Done Because of Acne

Things I’ve Done Because of Acne

Because of acne I’ve…

  • Invested a small fortune in the magic that is Kate Somerville Anti-Bac Clearing Lotion (I will certifiably lose my sh*t if this is ever discontinued).
  • Gotten a cortisone shot in a massive pimple on my chin 24 hours before leaving for Toronto for the MAC Bloggers’ Obsession Collection collaboration.
  • Gone to bed with thick dots of stinky white benzoyl peroxide cream on my face.
  • Forgotten about said benzoyl peroxide dots and answered the front door, half asleep in all my dried white goo glory.
  • Changed the part in my hair in an attempt to strategically hide behind it like a curtain (although, let’s get real, I wasn’t fooling anybody).
  • Woke up in the middle of the night to go look in the mirror and contemplate whether to pop THOSE PIMPLES.
  • Popped a zit (or two or three) during the witching hour.
  • Interviewed every Sephora associate in the skin care section to find out the things that people with acne buy often (this is how I found AmorePacific Treatment Enzyme Peel Cleansing Powder, which worked great for me when my chin acne was at its worst).

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