Three Revolutions Around the Sun

Three Revolutions Around the Sun

Three Revolutions Around the Sun

The Coywolf turned three on Saturday, and I’m still processing the fact that she’s a full-on toddler.

Mind you, I know she’s technically been a toddler for a while, but El Hub and I still call her “Babytime” because… Well, no reason. That’s just what we do.

I was looking at old pictures of her this morning, and every single year those chubby little cheeks and baby features seem to get further and further away…

It’s a joy to watch children get older, but every birthday breaks my heart a little because the older and bigger she gets, the closer she gets to leaving the nest, which, I know, kids eventually do. I did it. Everybody does it. I just don’t know if my heart will ever be strong enough to let her go, you know?

Now that she’s three — man! — she’s so much fun. It’s really cool to see her personality blossoming. She’s generally a very cheerful and sweet little girl (I can’t believe I just called her a little girl), and she can be shy sometimes around new people, but after she warms up, she’ll happily offer hugs and kisses.

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