What Are 9 Makeup/Beauty Things You’ve Never Tried Before?

What Are 9 Makeup/Beauty Things You’ve Never Tried Before?

What Are 9 Makeup/Beauty Things You’ve Never Tried Before?

Teeth whitening? Microblading? Bird 🐦 poop facials? Bleaching your hair? Wearing a wig? A mani or a pedi? I’m asking ’cause this video of 9 things Mariah Carey has never tried before (removing a stain with a Tide Pen, really MC? How is that possible when you have two kids?) got me thinking…

What are some things — popular or otherwise (fish pedicure, anyone?) — you haven’t tried?

Here are nine of mine…

9 makeup/beauty things I haven’t tried before

  1. I’ve never tried a spray tan.
  2. I’ve never tried an eyelash perm, although I really want to! (I hear it’s life changing.)
  3. I’ve never tried applying a glitter face mask, mostly because I feel like, what’s the point of having glitter in a face mask anyway? If I’m gonna have glitter in a mask, that glitter better do something, like moisturize or exfoliate.
  4. I’ve never tried clip-in bangs! I want some, though, for when those random urges to cut my bangs strike.
  5. I’ve never tried a fish 🐟 pedicure and don’t think I ever will because it looks really ticklish.
  6. I’ve never tried eye lash extensions
  7. I’ve never tried hair extensions.

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