What Are the Hardest Things for You to Let Go of When You’re De-Cluttering Your Makeup Collection?

What Are the Hardest Things for You to Let Go of When You’re De-Cluttering Your Makeup Collection?

What Are the Hardest Things for You to Let Go of When You’re De-Cluttering Your Makeup Collection?

Totally a first-world problems question, I know, but we’re all makeup addicts here (aren’t we?), so this is an issue I’ve run into in the past and one I’m experiencing presently because I’m trying to clear out the makeup clutter, but it is SO HARD with certain things — especially eye palettes and blushes, and especially the pricey stuff, like Chanel and Dolce & Gabbana.

Why is a 12-year-old Chanel eyeshadow quad THAT I NEVER WEAR so difficult to part with? I swear, Marie Kondo would have a field day with me.

Easiest things for me to let go of are old mascaras. I can toss those tiny tubes without a second thought. Same goes for lipgloss. Oh, and liquid foundation, but that’s probably because I have a low-key foundation addiction and find a new one to love every five seconds, ha ha ha.

How about you? What are the hardest things for you to let go of when you’re de-cluttering your makeup collection?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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