What Was the Last Compliment Someone Gave You on Your  Makeup?

What Was the Last Compliment Someone Gave You on Your Makeup?

What Was the Last Compliment Someone Gave You on Your  Makeup?

It was something someone said just the other night. I was at one of the Mothers Club meetings I’ve mentioned before here in town (we were stuffing plastic eggs for the upcoming Easter egg hunt), and one of the other moms kindly said that my makeup was “on point,” which to me was really sweet and surprising, since all I’d done was the usual 10-minute makeup look I do before leaving the house.

I think that talking about and thinking about makeup so much makes me forget sometimes that “wearing makeup” (“air quotes”) doesn’t always refer to blending three colors in the crease and carving out a brow arch and mixing three shades of concealer. Sometimes it’s just the simple, pretty looks one does to get out the door so they can make it to a Mexican restaurant on time to stuff plastic Easter eggs, LOL!

What was the last compliment someone gave you on your makeup? Did they say something nice about your lipstick? Your lashes? Liner? Whatever it was, I hope it made you feel good. 😊

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Oh…TGIF big time today, babe.

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