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The annual Small World Photomicrography Competition, as awesome...
The eye of a honey bee covered in dandelion pollen. A freshwater carnivorous plant known as a humped bladderwort. Planktonic larva of a horseshoe worm. Young buds of Arabidopsis, a flowering plant. The spore capsule of a moss. Fern sorus at varying levels of maturity. Tentacles of a carnivorous plant. The anthers of thale cress. Feeding rotifers. A starfish imaged using confocal microscopy. The annual Small World Photomicrography Competition, as awesome as always.Source & h/t HuffPost Science
Power Polish
Need some faux flowers for a crafts project? How about an oversized LED flamingo? If you need something craftsy or DIY, check out Michaels, the combination craft supply store/inter-dimensional portal to an alternate reality where times as we know it does not exist. Be warned, though: 5 minutes in a Michaels is like 8 hours in the outside world. In fact, after 15 minutes in a Michaels store…you may never actually leave; however, this danger is offset by all the weird treasures, including this children’s foot spa… What, exactly, is so taxing to the feet of little children that they...
Adventures in Long-Lasting, Sweat-Proof Makeup (and a Shout-Out to Urban Decay)
I wore makeup to the gym for the first time in forever yesterday (There was a reason… More on this in a sec.), and guess what? It led me to develop a list of go-to sweat-proof long-lasting makeup products that I know won’t budge an inch, even after an intense 60-minute HIIT class! Not that I ever wear a full face when I exercise, but it never hurts to be prepared, right? At least now I know what to grab if Sydney Cummings ever asks me to do a workout video with her. I think having a number of sweat-proof,...
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 565
So…what is the Monday Poll? Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a good start. ? 1. Do you ease into it, or rip off the Band-Aid? Rip that Band-Aid off, and do it quickly before I change my mind! 2. What mascara are you wearing? I’m taking a new...
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 525
So…what is the Monday Poll? Good question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past gazillion years (more than 10!). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a great start. 👍 1. Are you OK today? Yeah, I’m OK today. I feel good. I could have used a three-day weekend, but we have one coming up, so I just have to hang on till then… Yes, I realize that...