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I’ve had this on my mind since my buddy Yelena and I were chatting in the comments last week about the stuff of our makeup nightmares. Yelena’s is a world without brow products, and yeah…I have to admit, that would be pretty crappy, especially for my right brow, a.k.a. my “ghost brow,” a.k.a. the brow that disappears into oblivion. My makeup nightmare scenario, however, is a world without every single option under the sun for glowing skin, because I can’t imagine my foundation drawer with, like, only one option! *shudders* Some days I want a little shimmer; some days I...

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One might think that someone drowning under a landslide of laundry would be able to find something to wear at any given moment. Nope. Not the case. This is why I was running late to the last mom’s group lunch — because I was trying on all of the clothes in that top Leaning Tower of Pisa pic, but nothing fit right. Everything was too small. This is probably one of those instances where my inside thoughts should not be outside thoughts, because I feel self-absorbed and selfish even contemplating something like this, but I need to know if I’m...

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The Two Big BangsWhen scientists say “the Big Bang” they mean two possible things. But only one of them is still correct.When cosmologists — that’s the sub-field of astrophysics dealing with the origin and evolution of the Universe — speak about the Big Bang, they mean one of two things:The hot, dense, expanding state that our observable Universe emerged from, that expanded, slowed, cooled, and gave rise to elements, atoms, stars, molecules, planets, and eventually us.The initial singularity that represents the birth of space and time.The only problem is, while these two explanations were interchangeable back in say, the 1960s, they no longer are.Image credit:...

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Irène Joliot-Curie born this day in 1897, daughter of the Curies (Nobel prizes in physics in 1903, his mother Marie also won the Chemistry Nobel in 1911), she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1935) with whom he had been her apprentice and then husband Frederic Joliot.An interesting reading, the story of mother and daughter during WWI as nurse radiographers: Marie Curie - War Duty (1914-1919)By the way, her daughter, Hélène Langevin-Joliot, married Michel Langevin, grandson of the famous physicist Paul Langevin, thesis advisor of her mother, and in his younger days a doctoral student of her grandfather and lover of her...

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Where your black stretchy pants at?! BECAUSE I GOT A GO-TO BROWNIE RECIPE, AND NOW YOU GET TO HAVE IT TOO (gotta sing that last sentence out loud because these are that good, if I do say so myself). I dedicate this pan of brownies, or as they would say on The Great British Baking Show, this “tray bake,” to my high-waisted black Zellas, which are a touch too snug and borderline indecent at the moment. I also dedicate them to my people, a.k.a. chocoholics everywhere. Oh, you know who you are. You read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when...

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