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Well, after three years of Nobel Prizes in Physics to (mostly) theoretical physicists, this year it goes to Applied Physics (Optics, specifically, Laser physics), and the winners are: Arthur Ashkin (American, 96 years, the oldest recipient in the history of Nobel prizes), for his invention of the optical tweezers. Gérard Mourou (French) and Donna Strickland (Canadian, the third woman to be awarded in Physics) for the invention of the chirped pulse amplification (CPA) technique. - Summary- Press release- Popular Science Background: Tools made of lightCongratulations to the winners!!

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MBB’s “Fresh Friday” series takes a look at new beauty brands (and venerable O.G. brands that are new to me). Let’s discover new makeup! After last week’s epic deluge, I’ve been basking in the glow of this week’s sunshine. Funny thing is…just because the sun has been out here doesn’t mean it’s actually been, ya know, warm. I swear, the sunny days are colder than the rainy days, which means that all the dry spots on my face and body hurt more than usual… I mean, really, smiling at strangers isn’t easy when the skin on your cheeks feels like...

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Sun Shines in High-Energy X-rays (NASA/JPL) - High-Res X-rays stream off the sun in this image showing observations from by NASA’s Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, overlaid on a picture taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). This is the first picture of the sun taken by NuSTAR. The field of view covers the west limb of the sun. The NuSTAR data, seen in green and blue, reveal solar high-energy emission (green shows energies between 2 and 3 kiloelectron volts, and blue shows energies between 3 and 5 kiloelectron volts). The high-energy X-rays come from gas heated to above...

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So…what is the Monday Poll? Good question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll. It’s just a list of five more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past gazillion years (more than 10!). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a great start. 👍 1. Did you ever have a Cabbage Patch Kid? I did! She arrived one Christmas morning, but it was after the initial Cabbage Patch Kid craze when parents were body-checking each other at Toys ‘R’ Us stores to...

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It’s questionable whether these ought to be considered a tool…but I’ll allow it! 😁 I bought these funny eyeliner stickers from E.L.F. a couple weeks ago for only $2! They looked like they’d be fun. Plus, I haven’t worked a wing in a hot second, and one can never have too much help when it comes to winged liner! What about you? What was the last beauty tool you bought? Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict, Karen Continue reading "What Was the Last Beauty Tool You Bought?" on Makeup and Beauty Blog.

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