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Connor Claire was the star ⭐ of the show at her second 🎂🎉🎈 birthday party, and she enjoyed every cupcake-fueled minute of it. And every bite of her homemade birthday lasagna (I hope!). I keep trying to turn birthday lasagna into “a thing.” This was only the second year, but hopefully Connor continues to like it. She seems to. We had some family over for the party, and Connor spent the day playing, talking, throwing, bossing everyone around, and basically having a grand ol’ time being the center of attention. Her cake… Thank goodness for Teeny Cake. They’re known for...

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As a makeup hoarding enthusiast, I’ll be the first to admit that the thrill of the hunt — the quest itself — to find new makeup to fall in love with, is one of the motivating factors for why I like makeup and beauty so much. There’s always something new to discover, right? A new technique to master? A new finish, new formula, a new plant-based ingredient discovered deep in the jungle, a brand new brand, a classic brand re-brand, a secret formula, an ancient skin care secret, a new GWP, BOGO, or a gorgeous LE palette? At the same...

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Serious question for you: is this “bronzed peach” look too glam for a ketchup run? — because from among the list of “things that go well on BBQ,” I do believe that ketchup is the least fancy of them all. FOR SURE, the fanciest has to be dijon mustard, because — hi — if something can be prefaced with a word en français, it’s officially fancy. 🙂 Speaking of my limited high school French, can anyone out there confirm what Mirage Noir means? Is it “black illusion”? Pics and swatches coming at’cha… MAC Mirage Noir: Summer 2018 LE and coming...

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Best “Best of Science" 2014 in planet Earth. Wikipedia: 2014 in science Scientific American’s Top 10 Science Stories of 2014 Ten of the biggest science and technology stories of 2014 on BBC:Best long reads of 2014 (part one, part two) The Guardian: Weird and wonderful: the most popular science stories of 2014 Quartz: 2014: The year in S P A C E Wired: The Best Science Visualizations of the Year Business Insider: The Most Jaw-Dropping Science Pictures Of 2014 TheScientist: 2014’s Big Advances in Science Brain Pickings: The Best Science Books of 2014 Image: NASA’s Curiosity rover shared its very first picture of...

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Where do you fall on the face primer issue? Well, it’s not really an issue… I mean, do you love ’em or hate ’em? Because it seems like most people are in one of the two camps. I don’t come across a lot of middle ground. Most folks either love face primers…or they don’t. I love ’em, and I usually wear one daily, even if I’m just doing minimal makeup to take my cat for a walk. I’m not a huge fan of the extra step, but I’ve come to terms with the effort. It doesn’t take a ton of...

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