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The other day on a Facebook group I belong to, someone asked for recommendations for salon waxing for her school-age daughter. She said that her daughter was being teased and bullied at school for having body hair. From the sound of it, I gathered that her daughter was still a child, somewhere between 10-12. GRRR! šŸ˜  It just made me so angry. Why should a young girlā€™s state of hairiness be a concern among her peers? I guess Iā€™ve forgotten how petty and mean kids can be. Itā€™s weird for me to think that elementary school girls would even be...

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Engineers at Princeton found that by carefully shaping the area to which energy is delivered within a laser can dramatically improve the laserā€™s performance. The researchers developed a mathematical approach to optimizing the pattern of energy delivery to achieve a desired outcome. In the case shown, pumping energy into a diamond shape produces powerful directional emission of light from the laser. Credit: Omer Malik, Tureci Group, Princeton University Source:Ā Turning loss to gain: Cutting power could dramatically boost laser output (

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Hiya, friend. Good morning from beautiful Cambria on the Central California coast. Iā€™m here for a few days for a short birthday trip. Hearst Castle is 15 minutes away, and weā€™re headed there for a tour soon. Iā€™ve had this quote from Coco Chanel bookmarked for a while, and itā€™s been on my mind for a couple of days because Iā€™ve been thinking a lot about gratefulness. When I remember to be grateful for everything and everyone in my life, the lighter my soul feels and the fuller my well becomes. And itā€™s not just about being grateful for the...

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BABE. Thank you for telling me about toasting nuts for baking recipes. It was totes key. I did it for the ā€œrusticā€ carrot cake I baked for Easter yesterday, and it made all the difference. (And yes, I call anything that doesnā€™t look Instagram perfect ā€œrustic.ā€) Also, I havenā€™t forgotten that I said Iā€™d share my go-to brownie recipe, but my pants have been feeling a wee big snug lately, and I want to bookend the recipe with new pictures of fresh browniesā€¦ But I have it on deck for this week, much to El Hubā€™s delight. I made four...

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I was cleaning my Surrat lash curler the other day and wondering about this, because Iā€™m fairly certain ā€” and this may sound totally gross, depending on your opinion on the subject ā€” that Iā€™ve only done it once or (maybe) twice in my entire life. And Iā€™ve curled my lashes A LOT over the years. Itā€™s an everyday thing for me. Even though I usually have those pad replacement thingamabobs floating around, because most lash curlers come with one or two of them, I usually wait until my curler gets so gross that it crosses the point of no...

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