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This look… To say that it’s one of my favorites is an understatement. I’ve been wearing it FOR YEARS, and it has shown up many times on MBB in different iterations (most recently in the MAC Hyper Real Palette post), but I don’t know (or at least I can’t remember) if I’ve ever really broken it down before. I don’t know why, but whenever someone asks me about it, I’m always surprised — maybe because it doesn’t seem like anything special — but now that I think about it, there must be a reason I rely on it so much....

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OK, I’ll come clean (haha! Get it?). I spend an inordinate amount of time in my shower because 1) nobody asks me questions while I’m in there, 2) nobody bites my ankles, 3) nobody tugs at my hair, tries to get on my lap, or begs for food (I’m talking to you, Tabs). It’s my safe place, so if it seems like I spend more time showering than a normal woman should, it’s BECAUSE I AM HIDING. 🙂 A couple things I’m currently using in the pursuit of covert cleanliness… H2O+ Beauty Coconut Verbena Body Wash and Body Butter Body...

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Lovely, but behind there is only pragmatism:Sodium and some of those other micronutrients are hard to find in nature,“ explained Carlos de la Rosa, an aquatic ecologist and director of Costa Rica’s La Selva Biological Station, to National Geographic. "Butterflies and bees consume nectar, and nectar does not have a lot of salt. But they still need salt for egg production and for their metabolism.” […] They often sip on animal urine, muddy river banks, sweaty clothes and sweaty people. Given the chance, butterflies will also drink crocodile tears.Via HuffPost Science: Striking Photo Captures Butterflies Drinking Turtle Tears

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The “5 Out of 5 Hearts Club” ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ is a new series where you’ll find out about limited edition beauty products that are all that and a bag of baked Cheetos! — a.k.a. perfection in every single way. No shame moment: I’m one of those creepers who walks around unabashedly staring at strangers’ lashes without any qualms whatsoever. At times, it’s been so intense that people have stopped me to ask, “Do I know you?” and I’m like, “Nah, I’m just admiring your lashes like a weirdo. Don’t mind me!” If I saw someone wearing this mascara, I’d pull them...

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Happy Thanksgiving, sweet friend. Let me be the cheeseball/ball of cheese that I am for a second, OK? I’m here to remind you 1) that you are ❤️ loved, 2) you are capable, and 3) you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be in life, even if you don’t feel like you’re quite “there” (wherever that “there” is) yet in your journey. I’m thankful every day that we’ve somehow, through the magic of the interwebz, gotten to know each other. Like a lot of women, I crave connection. Need it. Thrive on it. Feeling like I’m part of a tribe makes...

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